Sunday, October 25, 2009

24 hours to go!

So I'm doing my packing checklist and I'm quite sure the rest of our team is too. We knocked out packing our ministry bags today at our team meeting in about 40 minutes; it was amazing :). Keep us in your prayers tomorrow for travel mercies . . . we're flying Continental through Houston and we'll be arriving in Managua around 8pm their time, 10pm ours. We'll post a team photo tomorrow and you'll see us in our team tee's [red mission shirts]; our departure is 3pm. Thank you all for your prayers & support so far! God bless you all :).


  1. I'm all packed and ready to go! Just a few last minute emails and off to CVS to pick up some batteries and indigestion tablets.See you all next week after Nov. 4th!

  2. I will be thinking of you ladies and checking your blog everyday! Hope you can post pics! Love Ya'll...Roz

  3. We are so proud of you and the great ministry the Lord will accomplish through you and your willing hearts. Be strong, be blessed, and enjoy :) we'll be watching and praying for ya'll from here in Charleston.
