Monday, February 20, 2012

We're here! Monday 2/20 7:45pm (MGA time)

Hey friends and family! We arrived earlier today and have had an amazing afternoon & evening of orientation, touring the city and meeting the CFCI team we'll be working with this week. We have finished dinner and are about to complete our orientation . . then we're off to bed! We have a very full day tomorrow and for the next several days. I'm not sure we'll be able to update while we're in Los Cedros so you may not hear from us until Saturday afternoon :). We'll be ministering to two groups of women in Los Cedros, one group is a core group connected with the church and the other group is within the local community that the church is reaching out to.

We are so grateful for your prayers and support . . . please keep us lifted as well as the women and families in Los Cedros. We are so humbled to see what God has in store these next several days. We will update you all as soon as we're able, hopefully one day while in Los Cedros but we're not sure.

Thanks so much, and love to all!!

2012 Nica Chica's


  1. Praying for you and the ladies you will reach. Be safe!

  2. Happy you are all there safely. Prayers for Gods blessing over the women whose lives you will touch!
