oh... last time on here. i think. in nicaragua, anyway. this is jill and i am feeling pretty bittersweet right now. i will miss these people. i want to see my family. i will miss not cooking dinner. i don't want rice and beans for breakfast. i am not looking forward to customs going through my dirty clothes. i can't wait to wash them. this mirage of feelings is pretty consistent with how i have felt all week.
how was my trip?
really amazing. really hard. really rewarding. very hopeless. exhausting. rejuvenating. tears. laughter. i want you all to know that this group is ready to talk. to share with our families. to "take you with us." but we know that you have had a week, too. it was not the same, but it was still a week. we can't wait to hear about what Jesus has done in each of you while we have been gone. be patient with us as we make sense of all that we have seen and heard. please look at our pictures. laugh, even if you don't think it's funny and get ready for tears. we have been ruined for the ordinary. the lives that we had are no longer enough. we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (psalm 34:8) and we want more. not more from you, but more of God. we don't want people to just listen, we want you to hear. we are now ambassadors for a country, a culture and a people. one that we love and now holds a piece of us.
our bus leaves at 4:30 in the morning and we will touch base in houston. so excited to see each of you.
to my 3 boys: thank you, thank you, thank you. my prayer is that i will be a better wife and mother because you sacrificed this time for me. and... it's time to REALLY learn spanish!